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About ParaNorthern

Paranormal is a general term (coined ca. 1915–1920) that designates experiences that lie outside "the range of normal experience or scientific explanation or that indicates phenomena understood to be outside of science's current ability to explain or measure.” - Wikipedia 

Many people have a story, strange image in a photo or even a video clip of something they cannot explain. Many more people want to hear your stories. is a place for you to share your stories. Click the link to Share Your Story With Us.

Big Yeti

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Newsletter BatIt's great to have people sharing their experiences and interest in the paranormal. 

Let us know if you have any questions, story ideas or comments.

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Team at ParaNorthern.

Terms of Use for Publication

If the story, images, video or other media you submit should receive publication, authors will receive byline credit for the submission. Submissions may be anonymous. Stories may be edited for content, length, and style.

You hereby affirm that you are the owner of all rights to the stories, picture(s), videos or recordings (hereby called the "Material") that you are submitting to and that you are granting and its affiliated companies, a worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast and publish that material for any purposes, in any media, digital and print format, both now and in perpetuity.

You attest that the Material is an original work and is authentic and that the shooting of this Material did not infringe any law or regulation. You understand that your name will be attached to the Material unless you requested to remain anonymous.

You also attest that you have not knowingly altered the material or knowingly am participating in a prank, hoax or other intentionally deceitful activity.

Additionally, you agree that you have written permission to use other people’s names. We suggest you change names.

You understand that articles may be edited for length, grammar and other editorial reasons, but that facts, events and essential information will not be changed.

Also, violent photos or videos will not be published, and we ask that adult language should not be excessive.