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Unidentified Objects

Unidentified Objects that move across the sky

There is much activity in our skies, and not all of it buzzes at the height of mosquito season. From lights to the appearance of actual solid objects, UFO stories go back to the 1950's and even earlier.

So this section of the site is dedicated to stories about the objects that hover, zig and zag across our clear, unobstructed sky. 

Have you ever experienced something in the sky that you could not explain? Click here to Tell Us Your Story.

Craziest Stories of UFO Encounters according to Gizmopod

At ParaNorthern, we don't get many UFO stories. Usually, we have to go hunting through the news, YouTube and other sources looking for the best stories to share.

Recently we found this link, and while some of the stories are truly bizarre,  we'll let you decide those for yourself. Some of them are quite interesting.

Below are a few of examples quoted directly from the article.

Rendlesham Forest Encounter

Craziest Stories of UFO Encounters - The Rendlesham Forest Encounter 

One of the most intense UFO and alien encounters of all time took place in Suffolk, England. On December 26, 1980, a UFO was detected above Rendlesham Forest that suddenly disappeared. A security patrol was dispatched and noticed a strange glowing object in the woods. The patrol men claimed to have seen a strange glowing spaceship and some even claimed to communicate with alien beings. The three soldiers who witnessed the event were taken to an underground bunker for interrogation and debriefing, and there they were reportedly sworn to secrecy. Keep reading for more amazing but true stories of UFO encounters!

15 Signs That Alien Life Actually Exists according to Gizmopod

According to a 2013 poll, half of Americans believe that alien life exists, and 33% say they're not sure. That's quite a high number if you ask us.15-signs-that-alien-life-actually-exists-1772202053-oct-27-2013-1-600x400

Most people think of an alien life form as some soft of humanoid or other vaguely familiar looking creature, but seem to overlook the idea that life forms on Earth come in wide variety of shapes and microscopic sizes.

Looking back on a hoax

Written by: The Story Teller

Northerner reflects on creating a UFO 'sighting' 

What do you get when you mix a handful of mischievous university students with a cold winter night and a camera borrowed from the yearbook office?

"It was infantile and childish, but we enjoyed every minute of it. Jim Calarco, on creating an internationally-covered UFO hoax"

If you rewind to 1968, and zoom into the University of Sudbury residence at Laurentian University, you'd find Jim Calarco and a group of friends, creating a hoax of international proportions.

UFO videos from around the world: May 2013

Written by: The Overlord

Over the past few months at we've been featuring YouTube flying object videos presented by

This group's website provides a variety of U.F.O. related content, and you can check out their news page by clicking here to read an interesting variety of flying object related articles and stories from around the world.